
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
E57: EscapeGoat Music 3
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Gork gets ditched by his main co-hosts, so he improvises. Getting fed up with another voice inside his head, he went to get the guitar player from the band EscapeGoat. Enjoy!
Gork and Void: Hosts
Social Media:
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/gork.mouthed.1
Twitter- https://twitter.com/CorrelationSen1
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/correlationsensation/
Yoshill P. Juae: Artist
Social Media:
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/yoshill_p_juae/
Twitter- https://twitter.com/Yoshill_Juae_P_
EscapeGoat: Music
Social Media:
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/EscapeGoatOmaha/
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/escapegoatomaha/
Twitter- https://twitter.com/escapegoat17

Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
E56: Hospital Of The Lunatics, Insane, And Innocents
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
John Pop A Knee Toe seems to have found his idol, while Gork gets back to topic! To the insane asylum they go.
Sources Cited:
Gork and Void: Hosts
Social Media:
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/gork.mouthed.1
Twitter- https://twitter.com/CorrelationSen1
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/correlationsensation/
Yoshill P. Juae: Artist
Social Media:
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/yoshill_p_juae/
Twitter- https://twitter.com/Yoshill_Juae_P_
EscapeGoat: Music
Social Media:
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/EscapeGoatOmaha/
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/escapegoatomaha/
Twitter- https://twitter.com/escapegoat17

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
E55: St. Mary Of Bethlehem Hospital
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Gork, Void and John Pop A Knee Toe go over the narrative of the hospital, touching on key points of it's constructions, members and treatments. Enjoy!
Works Cited:
Title: Badlam/ Authors: The Editors Of Encyclopedia Britannica/ Host: Britannica/ Location: Web/ Url: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Bedlam
Title: Bethlem Royal Hospital/ Authors: N/A/ Host: asylum projects/ Location: Web/ Url: www.asylumprojects.org/index.php?title=Bethlem_Royal_Hospital
Title: Bethlehem Royal Hospital/ Author: Sara Villa/ Host: Youtube/ Location: Web/ Url: Bethlehem Royal Hospital - YouTube
Title: In Our Time: S18/24 Bedlam (March 17 2016)/ Authors: In Our Time/ Host: Youtube/ Location: Web/ Url: In Our Time: S18/24 Bedlam (March 17 2016) - YouTube
Gork and Void: Hosts
Social Media:
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/gork.mouthed.1
Twitter- https://twitter.com/CorrelationSen1
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/correlationsensation/
Yoshill P. Juae: Artist
Social Media:
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/yoshill_p_juae/
Twitter- https://twitter.com/Yoshill_Juae_P_ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=%23&ved=2ahUKEwjzjMjhnbHnAhUGV80KHf4OA6EQxa8BMAB6BAgAEAI&usg=AOvVaw0VTJzWxrN8ZFOD4xbU2nov
EscapeGoat: Music
Social Media:
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/EscapeGoatOmaha/
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/escapegoatomaha/
Twitter- https://twitter.com/escapegoat17

Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
E54: Hospital Des Quinze-Vingts
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
During a time when many of the christian religion believed that blind people or their parents have sinned, Louis IX set out to separate the care for the blind from the church, and began to have other citizens run this hospital in order to help care for the blind. There is another twist to this story. Check it out on this episode of The Correlation Sensation Podcast.
Sources Cited:
Title: Quinze-Vingts National Opthalmology Hospital/ Author: Zina Weygand/ Host: Linkfang.org/ Location: Web/ Url: https://en.linkfang.org/QUinze-Vingts_National_Eye_Hospital#Bibliography
Title: Blindness, Discipline, and Reward: Louis IX and the Foundation of the Hospice des Quinze-Vingts/ Author: Edward Wheatley (Hamilton College/ Host: ucla.edu/ Location: web/ Url: http://paris.cdh.ucla.edu/the-quinze-vingts/
Reading Notes: the History of Blind People in France/ Author: Emeline Brule/ Host: Design and Society/ Location: Web/ Url: https//sociodesign.hypotheses.org/407
Credits Gork and Void: Hosts Social Media: Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/gork.mouthed.1 Twitter- https://twitter.com/CorrelationSen1 Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/correlationsensation/ Yoshill P. Juae: Artist Social Media: Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/yoshill_p_juae/ Twitter- https://twitter.com/Yoshill_Juae_P_ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=%23&ved=2ahUKEwjzjMjhnbHnAhUGV80KHf4OA6EQxa8BMAB6BAgAEAI&usg=AOvVaw0VTJzWxrN8ZFOD4xbU2nov EscapeGoat: Music Social Media: Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/EscapeGoatOmaha/ Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/escapegoatomaha/ Twitter- https://twitter.com/escapegoat17

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
E53: King Louis IX Biography
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Gork and Void speak without John Pop A Knee Toe, and go into someone who many would easily assume to not have a cat licking bunghole to do with neuroscience. But, and it's a big juicy but... We will prove you wrong! For I am the great, and the best! Gork!!!!
Sources Cited: 1) Title: Louis IX/ Author: N/A/ Host: Encyclopedia.com/ Location: Web/ Url: https://www.encyclopedia.com/people/history/french-history-biographies/louis-ix Credits Gork and Void: Hosts Social Media: Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/gork.mouthed.1 Twitter- https://twitter.com/CorrelationSen1 Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/correlationsensation/ Yoshill P. Juae: Artist Social Media: Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/yoshill_p_juae/ Twitter- https://twitter.com/Yoshill_Juae_P_ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=%23&ved=2ahUKEwjzjMjhnbHnAhUGV80KHf4OA6EQxa8BMAB6BAgAEAI&usg=AOvVaw0VTJzWxrN8ZFOD4xbU2nov EscapeGoat: Music Social Media: Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/EscapeGoatOmaha/ Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/escapegoatomaha/ Twitter- https://twitter.com/escapegoat17

Thursday Dec 17, 2020
E52:Avicenna Part 2
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Gork, Void, and Jon Pop A Knee Toe complete the most important aspects of Avicenna's life in regards to understanding the human nervous system. Even if it wasn't much at all. Gork also recognized Hannukkah/Chanukah during this time of the year with a couple of songs.
Sources Cited: 1) Citation: Mohammad Jamali1,a,b, Mehdi Golshania,b, Yousef Jamalic aDepartment of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran b School of Physics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran cDepartment of Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran/ Title: Avicenna's Arguments about Mind And Brain/ Url: Avicenna’s Ideas and Arguments about Mind and Brain Interaction[v1] | Preprints 2) Citation: Mohamed, Wael MY (2008) History of Neuroscience: Arab and Muslim contributions to modern neuroscience, IBRO History of Neuroscience/ Url: ibro.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Arab-Muslim-contributions-to-Modern-Neuroscience.pdf 3) Title: A History Of The Nervous System/ Author: N/A/ Host: Stanford.edu/ Location: Web/ Url: web.stanford.edu/classs13/earlysciencelab/body/nervespages/nerves.html 4) Title: Revisiting Avicenna’s (ad 980–1037) Anatomical Concepts of the Musculoskeletal and Peripheral Nervous Systems in the Canon of Medicine/ Authors: Pedzisai Mazengenya, Rashid Ahmed Hassen Bhikha/ Host: Researchgate/ Location: Web/ Url: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328690492_Revisiting_Avicenna's_ad_980-1037_Anatomical_Concepts_of_the_Musculoskeletal_and_Peripheral_Nervous_Systems_in_the_Canon_of_Medicine Credits Gork and Void: Hosts Social Media: Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/gork.mouthed.1 Twitter- https://twitter.com/CorrelationSen1 Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/correlationsensation/ Yoshill P. Juae: Artist Social Media: Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/yoshill_p_juae/ Twitter- https://twitter.com/Yoshill_Juae_P_ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=%23&ved=2ahUKEwjzjMjhnbHnAhUGV80KHf4OA6EQxa8BMAB6BAgAEAI&usg=AOvVaw0VTJzWxrN8ZFOD4xbU2nov EscapeGoat: Music Social Media: Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/EscapeGoatOmaha/ Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/escapegoatomaha/ Twitter- https://twitter.com/escapegoat17

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
E51: Avicenna Part 1
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Gork gets ahold of Void and Jon Pop A Knee Toe, and rattles in their ears in regards to the 'Great Avicenna'.
Sources Cited: 1) Title: Avicenna/ Authors: The Editors Of The Encyclopedia Britannica/ Host: Britannica/ Location: Web/ Url: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Avicenna 2) Title: Guinea Worm/ Author: The Editors Of Encyclopedia Britannica/ Hots: Britannica/ Location: Web/ Url: https://www.britannica.com/animal/guinea-worm Credits Gork and Void: Hosts Social Media: Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/gork.mouthed.1 Twitter- https://twitter.com/CorrelationSen1 Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/correlationsensation/ Yoshill P. Juae: Artist Social Media: Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/yoshill_p_juae/ Twitter- https://twitter.com/Yoshill_Juae_P_
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=%23&ved=2ahUKEwjzjMjhnbHnAhUGV80KHf4OA6EQxa8BMAB6BAgAEAI&usg=AOvVaw0VTJzWxrN8ZFOD4xbU2nov EscapeGoat: Music Social Media: Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/EscapeGoatOmaha/ Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/escapegoatomaha/ Twitter- https://twitter.com/escapegoat17

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
E50: Al-Zahrawi
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
One known for being a heavily influential sapien of the homo as a surgeon, overall physician for several rulers, a teacher, and an author of 30 volumes in regards to medicine; Al-Zahrawi had made his mark all over the place.
Sources Cited: 1) Title: Abū al-Qāsim al-Zahrāwī: Muslim physician and author/
Author: The Editors Of Encyclopedia Britannica/ Host: Britannica/ Location: Web/ Url: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Abu-al-Qasim 2) Title: Al-Zahrawi - Physicians, Birthday and Childhood/
Author: N/A/ Host: Famous Bio/ Location: Web/
Url: https://famousbio.net/al-zahrawi-1782.html 3) Title: Middle Ages Surgery: History of Neurosurgery/
Author: Brainbook/ Host: Youtube/ Location: Web/ Url: Middle Ages Surgery: History of Neurosurgery - YouTube Credits Gork and Void: Hosts Social Media: Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/gork.mouthed.1 Twitter- https://twitter.com/CorrelationSen1 Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/correlationsensation/ Yoshill P. Juae: Artist Social Media: Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/yoshill_p_juae/ Twitter- https://twitter.com/Yoshill_Juae_P_
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=%23&ved=2ahUKEwjzjMjhnbHnAhUGV80KHf4OA6EQxa8BMAB6BAgAEAI&usg=AOvVaw0VTJzWxrN8ZFOD4xbU2nov EscapeGoat: Music Social Media: Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/EscapeGoatOmaha/ Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/escapegoatomaha/ Twitter- https://twitter.com/escapegoat17

Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
E49: Ammar ibn Ali of Mosul & Alhazen
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Two impactful moment when it comes to humanity learning about its sensation of sight and the organ used for such are recognized as being from these two humans.
1) Title: Ammar Ibn Ali Al-Mosuli/ Author: N/A/
Host: Truth Seeker.info/ Location: Web/ Url: https://ro.truth-seeker.info/nestemate-ale-islamului/ammar-ibn-ali-al-mosuli/ 2) Title: Opthamology In Midievil Islam/
Authors: Public/ Host: wikipedia/ Location: Web/ Url: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophthalmology_in_medieval_Islam#:~:text=The%20next%20major%20landmark%20text%20on%20ophthalmology%20was,sclerotic%20and%20successfully%20extracted%20the%20cataracts%20through%20suction. 3) Title: Hollow Needle Cataract Aspiration In History/
Authors: Rafael J. Perez-Cambrodı,1,2 Francisco J.
Ascaso,3,4,5 Fathi Diab,6 Antonio Alzamora-Rodrıguez1,
2 and Andrzej Grzybowski7/ Host: Online Library Wiley/
Location: Web/ Url: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/aos.12843 4) Title: Cataract Extractions 1929 Part 1 Of 2/
Author: Wellcome Library/ Host: Youtube/
Location: Web/ Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GlA5VZ3mkA 5) Title: Alhazen: Early Experiments On Light/
Host: Vision Learning/ Location: Web/
Url: https://www.visionlearning.com/en/library/Hidden/59/Alhazen:-Early-experiments-on-light/170 6) "Alhazen." Famous Scientists.
famousscientists.org. 27 Jul. 2018. Web. 11/25/2020.
Gork and Void: Hosts
Social Media:
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/gork.mouthed.1
Twitter- https://twitter.com/CorrelationSen1
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/correlationsensation/
Yoshill P. Juae: Artist
Social Media:
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/yoshill_p_juae/
Twitter- https://twitter.com/Yoshill_Juae_P_ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=%23&ved=2ahUKEwjzjMjhnbHnAhUGV80KHf4OA6EQxa8BMAB6BAgAEAI&usg=AOvVaw0VTJzWxrN8ZFOD4xbU2nov
EscapeGoat: Music
Social Media:
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/EscapeGoatOmaha/
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/escapegoatomaha/
Twitter- https://twitter.com/escapegoat17

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
E48: S5 & The Coccygeal Spinal Nerve
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
The last of the filthy spinal nerves are reviewed with Jon Pop A Knee Toe graciously giving us his presence, no matter how unwelcomed he is by Gork.
Sources cited: 1) Title: Coccygeal Nerve/ Author: Gregory D. Cramer, Chae-Song Ro,
in Clinical Anatomy of the Spine, Spinal Cord, and Ans (Third Edition), 2014/
Host: Science Direct/ Location: Web/
Url: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/coccygeal-nerve#:~:text=The%20S5%20roots%20and%20coccygeal%20nerves%20leave%20the,including%20the%20uterus%2C%20fallopian%20tubes%2C%20bladder%2C%20and%20prostate. 2) Title: Sacral Spinal Nerve 5/ Author: Public/ Host: Wikipedia/
Location: Web/ Url: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacral_spinal_nerve_5#:~:text=The%20sacral%20spinal%20nerve%205%20%28S5%29%20is%20a,bodies%20in%20center.%20S5%20supplies%20the%20Coccygeus%20muscle. 3) Picture Of Sacrum http://web.donga.ac.kr/ksyoo/department/education/grossanatomy/doc/image/s-d1.jpg 4)Title: Coccygeal Muscle/ Authors: The Editors Of Encyclopedia Britannica/
Location: Web/ Url: https://www.britannica.com/science/coccygeus-muscle Credits Gork and Void: Hosts Social Media: Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/gork.mouthed.1 Twitter- https://twitter.com/CorrelationSen1 Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/correlationsensation/ Yoshill P. Juae: Artist Social Media: Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/yoshill_p_juae/ Twitter- https://twitter.com/Yoshill_Juae_P_ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=%23&ved=2ahUKEwjzjMjhnbHnAhUGV80KHf4OA6EQxa8BMAB6BAgAEAI&usg=AOvVaw0VTJzWxrN8ZFOD4xbU2nov EscapeGoat: Music Social Media: Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/EscapeGoatOmaha/ Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/escapegoatomaha/ Twitter- https://twitter.com/escapegoat17