
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
E99: Marquis de Sade
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Marquis de Sade is the 1st topic we have done that is really a part of the true crime community, although we have mentioned the use of humans after being sentenced to death when it came to human dissection for anatomy. In this episode we covered the early childhood of the Marquis de Sade, his positions in life, and crimes he is believed to have committed. Why is this important towards the history of neuroscience? Well, part of the books the Marquis de Sade is credited for composing contains some philosophical thoughts between the characters (regardless of their graphic nature).
Sources Cited:
The Castle Château of Vincennes : Eastern Paris | Visions of Travel
Château de Pierre-Scize - LARGE URBAN HISTORIC SPACE OF LYON (patrimoine-lyon.org)
Château de Pierre-Scize - LARGE URBAN HISTORIC SPACE OF LYON (patrimoine-lyon.org)
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