
Friday Dec 10, 2021
E100: Marquis de Sade Part 2
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
This is the final coverage of Marquis de Sade. We finish is last years of debauchery, and much more. How much more? I feel like writing it would only get me in trouble. So, let the recording of the three hosts talking tell you all you need to know. Trust me, this guy is someone you could do without.
Sources Cited:
The Castle Château of Vincennes : Eastern Paris | Visions of Travel
Château de Pierre-Scize - LARGE URBAN HISTORIC SPACE OF LYON (patrimoine-lyon.org)
Château de Pierre-Scize - LARGE URBAN HISTORIC SPACE OF LYON (patrimoine-lyon.org)
Marquis De Sade: The Father Of Sadism, Explained | History Daily
The Misfortune of Virtue - Marquis de Sade and his Writings - SciHi BlogSciHi Blog
Vincennes | History, Geography, & Points of Interest | Britannica
Gork and Void: Hosts
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